Bring the beauty of our farm home with you each week with a flower subscription. "CSA" stands for- Community Supported Agriculture. Purchasing a flower subscription or CSA is a way for you to directly support our local farm and receive incredibly fresh, deliciously fragrant, carefully selected, uniquely seasonal and locally grown flowers.
Flower Subscriptions are for pick-up only! Shipping and/or delivery is not available.
-You will recieve a weekly, paper-wrapped bouquet that can easily be transferred into your own vase to enjoy. Flower Subscription FULL SEASON is a 10 week subscription. Pick-up dates are: July 10, 17, 24 & 31/August 7, 14, 21, 28/September 4, 11
-We will notify you via email and text, 1 week in advance of the commencement of your CSA.
-You will receive a bountiful and vibrant, paper-wrapped bouquet that can easily be transferred into your own vase to enjoy.
-You may send a friend or relative to pick up your weekly subscription, if you cannot make it yourself! All subscriptions that are not claimed on the designated pick-up day will be DONATED, no exceptions. You will not receive a credit or refund for this.
-Pick-Up time will be Wednesdays, between the hours of 1-6 p.m. on the farm, located at: 6170 Butler Creek Rd. Missoula MT 59808.
-PLEASE provide your phone number and email address below, before completing your purchase. Thank you.
FULL SEASON Flower Subscription, 2024
Seasonally grown and harvested fresh flowers, featuring a variety of unique blooms and foliage. This subscription will include a full range of seasonal blooms for your delight! We only offer the highest quality, long lasting, unique/beautiful & fragrant blooms and foliage.
All sales are final. If you're not available to pick up your CSA bouquet at the predetermined place & time you may send a family member or friend for you; otherwise your bouquet will be donated in the spirit of "Growing Kindness" non-profit.